Tuesday, August 11, 2009

China - My Third Visit

I've received an invitation to joint
The Lu Shan Art Festival 2009,
China again (the first was last year). It
was remarkable and memorable
especially the opportunity to meet
renowned artists from China and
international, out-door painting and sight-seeing.
Just can't wait for more surprises...

I'll be leaving for Hang Zhou, China
this evening and will be back 24/8.

Left: Photo taken during my 1st
visit to China (2007)
Below left: Taken during my 1st
show at Lu Shan Painting Festival
last year.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kota Bharu Clock Tower

Erected in 2005, it was presented
by Mr Yosuke Yoshioka, the
Chairman of Rohm-Wako, Japan in line with the co-operation
and declaration of a Twin City
between Kota Bharu (Kelantan)
and Kasaoka (Japan).

Mr Yosuke had commissioned me
to paint the scenery. There were
rumors that the lane between
Buloh Kubu Bazaar and Central
Market (where the tower is
located) will be re-opened for
traffic due to expansion of the Central Market (now under construction). If this happened many stalls would be demolished and re-located.

To my understanding it is still
under discussion.